Temps de lecture : < 1 minute

the Prince of Peace

Le Prince de la PaixIn his recent encyclical, Pope Francis notes that there is no brotherhood possible without peace, truth and reconciliation.

Today, the climate of violence and social tensions exacerbated by confinement, mistrust and worry do not facilitate this path of peace.


Hope is a little voice that assures us that nothing is ever lost. It is a way of looking at life and its difficulties not as an evil, but as a promise of life. In the darkness we hear: “He is coming, the Prince of Peace.” He’s a child! Only a child-God can heal us from violence and bring us peace. He comes to bring peace to all the peoples of the earth in their cultures, to our families, to our Church, to our Christian communities, to all the members of our Cor Unum family …

Prince of Peace

Jesus is the Prince of Peace for our lives, for our hearts!

And in 2021, more than ever, let hope shine and serve Peace.
Happy Christmas, beautiful new year!

The General Council of the SVECJ
Nuno, Christian, Christophe, Gwennola, Joseph, Monique

-> En français
-> En espagnol

Catégories : Non classé
