Temps de lecture : 2 minutes

Follow Christ in his mission! In the Cor Unum Family Life Book, we have some beautiful excerpts about "our mission in the wake of Christ" (No. 11 to 14). For us, members of the SVECJ, it is sometimes important to delve back into our founding texts. Let's take the time to meditate and inspire us!


The mission we are talking about is that entrusted to women and men who put their trust in God. Together, we are the Church to whom the Lord gives us a special message. He asks us to restore justice and alleviate suffering in this world. This is how God's love will manifest itself concretely on a daily basis

There are many ways to be close to men. You will look for where and how the Lord calls you in their midst. You will need to know the forces of any kind that work in this world, the currents of thought that pass through it and inhabit us, the interests that confront it, the structures that crush or grow. You will have to accept that others, near or far, have a different view of the world than your own. But you will not forget that it is first of all the heart that makes us next to those we meet. Also you will make sure to grow in simplicity and humility that will make you worthy of the friendship of the little ones. These provisions will allow you to hear new calls and to seek with your brothers, priests and laity, ever-new forms of presence in the world – Book of Life No. 14


This month of October is the month of the universal mission of the Church. Let us remember that it must announce to all men and women around the world the message of salvation offered by the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the Good News.

May God's love for the world continue with us the mission of Jesus. Send us everywhere. Thus, through our daily witness of faith and the proclamation of the Gospel, God still manifests his love. It can also touch and transform hearts, minds, bodies, societies and cultures anywhere, anytime. We will feel the need to become brothers and sisters in love.

Nuno Fernandes
General Manager of the SVECJ
