Temps de lecture : 3 minutes

Spirituality of the Heart of Jesus

Our life project is rooted in the Ignatian tradition of the Heart of Jesus. Therefore, we are members of the Cor Unum Family. The SVECJ invites its members, engaged in the heart of the world, to a search for a contemplative and active evangelical life.


We are baptised men and women. Present on all continents, in the diversity of our cultures and states of life, we are united by the same desire to follow :

Jesus as closely as possible, giving God the total gift of all their being, in the midst of the world, in humble service to every person. Discover our life project

Our life project

  • The three divine persons: the Father, the Son and the Spirit, look at the world and seeing the distress of humanity, decide that the Son would become man to save the human race - Spiritual Exercises n°102
  • From the Ignatian tradition, we are invited, each according to his or her state of life, to a search for an evangelical life that is both contemplative and active through an apostolic commitment at the heart of the world - Life Project n°3
  • Contemplation of the Heart of Christ introduces us to the place where he remains united to his Father and to the Spirit, as to all men. This love heals our wounds and our fears - Life project n°12
  • God's love, ever present in human history, creates us every day. Through prayer, we expose our whole being to this love. We receive ourselves from him and "seek him in all things" (St Ignatius) - Life Project n°29
  • We will strive to live it humbly and joyfully, even if it is met with contradiction. We will live it without becoming weary, in a perpetual decentring of ourselves - Life Project n°21
  • The diversity of our vocations opens our eyes and nourishes a more demanding interpellation in view of our evangelical presence in the world - Life Project n°27
  • L'amour de Dieu toujours présent dans l'histoire des hommes nous crée chaque jour. Par la prière, nous exposons tout notre être à cet amour. Nous nous recevons de lui et nous "le cherchons en toutes choses" (St Ignace) - PdV n°29
  • Living in a world where money is an instrument of power, we commit ourselves to make our goods and our time a service for justice and sharing. We will be attentive to more social justice and to a sound management of collective wealth - Life Project n°45
  • In a world that is often indifferent or alien to the Gospel, we must be concerned, by our behaviour and our words, to be a sign of God's infinite tenderness and to be peacemakers - Life Project n°52
  • We want to promote solidarity among people, to participate in the construction of a more human world, based on true and disinterested relationships - Life Project n°55
  • This is the path that the Lord proposes to you through the voice of our Society. You will follow it with this charity attentive to recognize at every moment the calls of the Master who makes true disciples of the Heart of Jesus - Life Project n°155

Following Christ

Together, with the help of our Jesus Project, we seek evangelical perfection. We are also inspired by the spirit of theInstitute of the Priests of the Heart of Jesus:

We desire nothing but that which can bring us closer to the life of Jesus Christ conversing with men. Pierre de Clorivière


As members of the Church-Body of Christ, we are concerned to build communion in a critical and inventive fraternity. We seek to place ourselves in the midst of our fellow human beings as humble companions. Through our lives, we are concerned to give an account of the hope that dwells in us without shyness or ostentation.

Contemplative in action

Contemplation of the Heart of Christ is our model. It introduces us to the place where he remains united to his Father and to the Spirit, as to all people. This love heals our wounds and our fears. It transfigures our poverty and weaknesses into a place of revelation of his tenderness. It opens us to true compassion.

  • Principle and Foundation

Man is created to praise, revere and serve God our Lord
and thereby save his soul, and the other things on the face of the earth are created for man and to help him in the pursuit of the end for which he is created. Ignatius of Loyola, Spiritual Exercises no. 23

  • Social Justice

In our world money is an instrument of power. Therefore, we commit ourselves commit ourselves to make our goods and our time a service for justice and justice and sharing. We are committed to greater social justice and to and a sound management of collective wealth.

  • Responses

We are called to make a commitment in response to the Lord’s gift, a gift of ourselves, total and without return, to follow him in all circumstances. Commitment to the Society roots each of us more deeply in the grace of baptism and confirmation. It is part of the dynamism of the sacraments received. This commitment makes us a sign of a Church based on the equality of its members. This Life Project of the SVE expresses our desire to follow Christ more closely along a path that has been clarified and deepened by our experience over the past thirty years.
