Temps de lecture : 2 minutes

Following Jesus as closely as possible to his Heart is our roadmap, our life project. The resumption of activities after the summer does not take us away from this orientation but encourages us to deepen it, to live it out in the diversity of our commitments and states of life. The tumult of the world cannot divert us from this axis; on the contrary, it calls us to draw heavily on the Source.

The Heart of Jesus is the most transparent sign of God’s love for mankind (Projet de Vie n°10)

‘Follow me’, a permanent call

This is a permanent call from Jesus to his disciples. Jesus wants to lead us along the roads of the world, as close as possible to the lives of our brothers and sisters. He goes before us to Galilee, to the crossroads of the nations, without sheltering himself in a comfort that could put us to sleep. On the contrary, he exposes himself and us to the most diverse encounters, where we can experience all the feelings experienced by Jesus himself: wonder, compassion, anger and indignation…

Stay with me

Jesus invites us to enter into his most intimate dwelling place, his Heart, the place of his will and his intelligence, irrigated by his infinite love for his Father and all humanity. Prolonged prayer helps us to enter this heart, where we can learn to love ‘like’ Him. It’s a long apprenticeship that we must return to again and again, supported by the prayer of the whole Church.

Listen always

‘Listening’ remains the disciple’s first condition for remaining with Jesus, attentive to the joys and sorrows of our brothers and sisters. Living the Gospel at the heart of the world begins by listening with our ears and eyes in the way of Jesus, according to his Heart. Today’s uncertain times are bringing many troubles to our contemporaries, so strengthening spirits, encouraging the hesitant, consoling the afflicted, is a fundamental mission.

To love in the wake of his Love

A passionate love that makes him take our human roads.
A gentle, humble love that offers itself without imposing.
Merciful love, present to wounded hearts.
Love that reconciles and opens us to his peace.
Love delivered up to the Cross, the summit of free and gratuitous self-giving.
Love pierced through, a torrent of living water and fullness that gives birth to the Spirit.
(Life Project n°10)

Gwenolla Rimbaut

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