From 31 July 2022 to 3 August, the General Assembly of the SVECJ will be held. This assembly will be preceded by the General Assembly of the Cor Unum Family and followed by the Federal Assembly of the Family.
As underlined in our Life Project (n°93):
The General Assembly is the supreme organ of the Society. Its meetings are one of its most important manifestations. It is also a sign of communion in the Society and an opportunity for sharing and participation of members in the life and development of the Society
An international General Assembly
Our assembly this year will bring together 30 members: General Council, former General Leader, regional leaders and delegates elected by the regions of French-speaking Africa (Togo), Latin America (Peru), Belgium, France, India, Madagascar, and Vietnam.
The importance of the General Assembly
The General Assembly is a very important moment of exchange and reflection. We will review the eight years that have passed since the last assembly. We will share what we are experiencing personally, in our groups, fraternities and regions.
Together, we will define the orientations for the next six years. We will question ourselves on the commitment of the SVECJ in our world, our societies and churches where we are present. Perspectives will be drawn from the realities of the ECYV today (taking into account its international dimension in the regions where we are present, the importance of the formation of our members throughout the world, to understand the richness of our specificity, how to take into account the contributions on synodality). We will also continue our work on ” Laudato Si ” and ” Fratelli Tutti “.
Let us continue to work to ensure that the ECJL is inspired by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Let us participate in the reflection on the complex issues that characterise today’s society. Let us act concretely for our neighbour in distress and reflect on a lifestyle to take better care of creation.
Find out about our Life Project&

The path of prayer is truly the path of life. That is why God gives us a way to continue, day after day, to act in favour of one another even when we are separated. And that way is prayer. “Pray for one another”, the apostle James tells us.
So we count on your prayers. All of you members of the SVECJ, ask the Lord to enlighten us and help the SVECJ. May He help us, during the General Assembly, to discern well in order to bear fruit in abundance for the glory of God and to choose with Him the path that will lead to more life !
Nuno Fernandes
General Manager of the SVECJ
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