Temps de lecture : 2 minutes

Shaken by political tribulations, Worried about possible deadly radicalisations, we have to stay the course of fraternity, between citizens. Synodality pushes us in this direction. Because it is a way of life that concerns all our fields of activity inside and outside the Church.

Entering into dialogue open to the unexpected

The synodal approach teaches us to enter into dialogue with everyone, to look at everyone as a potential interlocutor, and even more so as a brother loved by God, beyond his or her opinions. It’s a demanding dialogue that goes beyond the idea of majority or even consensus. It’s about allowing ourselves to be challenged by what will spring up like living water.

Building on our experience of fraternity in the Cor Unum Family

Our apprenticeship to synodality is already taking place in the Cor Unum Family, because we are trying to go beyond the usual divisions by living a fraternity, a real co-responsibility between our institutes and the Society of Evangelical Life of the Heart of Jesus, with equal rights and duties. And in each of our sharing teams, we seek to live a communion following Christ to live our mission in the world with the diversity of our gifts.

Fraternity means walking together to respond to our mission

The “pastors and faithful are invited to walk together” as Pope Francis says, in order to live the mission. If synodality builds fraternity, it is not to feel good all together, but to act in favour of those who have not yet been reached and welcomed into a fraternal network where justice and love embrace.

Taking responsibility

Let us be aware of our opportunity and our responsibility to promote this synodal approach in the Church and in all the associative or deliberative spaces we know. Let us be ferments of synodality by inviting the most remote people to participate. Let us remain convinced that a path of fraternity is always possible, based on the best in each person where the Spirit of God dwells.

SVECJReadpast editorials

Gwennola Rimbaut, SVECJ
