Temps de lecture : < 1 minute

Throughout the month of March 2023, the Pope invites us, through his Global Prayer Network, to pray for all those who suffer because of abuses committed by members of the Church community: that they may find in the Church itself a concrete response to their pain and suffering.

In the face of abuse, especially abuse by members of the Church, it is not enough to ask for forgiveness.

Asking for forgiveness is necessary, but it is not sufficient. Asking for forgiveness is important for the victims, but they need to be truly “at the centre” of everything.

The pain and psychological wounds of victims can only begin to heal if they find answers and concrete actions that can repair the horrors suffered and prevent their repetition.

The Church must not hide the tragedy of abuse of any kind. Not when the abuse happens within families, not even in associations or any other kind of institutions.

The Church must be an example. It must help to resolve these abuses, it must bring them to light both in society and in families.

The Church must also offer safe spaces to listen to the victims, to accompany them psychologically and to protect them.

Let us pray for all those who suffer because of the harm received by members of the Church community: that they may find in the Church itself a concrete response to their pain and suffering.